
在英语中翻译"整个" · entire · whole · overall · full · complete · general · large · wider · broader through entirely ...
参考释义 · - whole; total; entire: the whole of Asia; 整个亚洲. on the whole; as a whole; by and large; 整个说来 · 短语. 整个焊缝熔透{冶} complete joint ...
美式英语: throughout /θruˈaʊt/; 阿拉伯语: طَوَال; 巴西葡萄牙语: do começo ao fim; 简体中文: 整个; 克罗地亚语: cijelo vrijeme; 捷克语: po celou dobu ...
整個的 ... complete, whole, or containing a lot of detail: Please give your full name and address. 請提供你的全名和地址。 ... complete or not divided:.
整个的 [zhěnɡ ɡè de] {形} · volume_up. all · whole · gross. 翻译.
Jul 9, 2012 · 整个的英文: whole. 参考例句:. Terrorism is a cancer in the whole world. 恐怖主义是整个世界的毒药。 rot the whole plan 打乱整个计划 ...
Speechling · 免费工具 · 免费音频词典; 整个(Whole). 怎么说"整个" 用英文(Whole). 我们有来自男性和女性专业配音演员的音频例句。 英文(美国). 男声. Whole. 整个.
參考釋義 · - whole; total; entire: the whole of Asia; 整個亞洲. on the whole; as a whole; by and large; 整個說來 · 短語. 整個焊縫熔透{冶} complete joint ...
You were bound over this great urn which seemed to be the source of his power. 你整个人都精神崩溃了. Well, you've had a complete nervous collapse.
Video for 整个的英文
Duration: 0:31
Posted: Oct 25, 2017